Monday, September 27, 2010

Mister Houdini

Speaking of Reggie's "jail-break," it's time now to blog about the times--the many times--that Mister has also orchestrated a jail break.

Time Number One:  Columbia, SC.  Back when Mister and I were the only two cats on the team, Mister ran away.  All the way to the bushes outside my apartment, where he spent a good bit of time crying until I realized I was down my only cat and went looking for him.  That was kind of an easy save.

Time Number Two:  Charleston, SC, when Mister bolted from the house that Sean and I lived in together.  I spent the better portion of an evening running around the outside of our house in my pajamas, trying to figure out where Mister had run off to.  Once I had almost completely despaired of finding him, I went back in the house to find that Mister had come back in the back door, of his own volition, after taking me on a wild goose chase around the house several times.  Good times.

Time Number Three:  North Charleston, SC.  I was out of town.  Our kitchen window was being worked on by a friend.  Suddenly, Mister is gone.  Sean runs out of the house, with visions of "if-anything-happens-to-Mister-Julia-will-never-forgive-me" running through his head.  He sprints down the driveway and then turns left towards Virginia Avenue, a very busy four-lane street that is just yards from our house.  Looks up and down Virginia Avenue--no Mister.  Dejectedly heads back to the driveway, where he sees Mister with his head against the chain link fence separating our yard from our neighbors'.  Mister seems to have encountered an obstacle, and can't seem to figure out what to do.  His head is smashed against the fence, and he's just standing there, looking pitiful.  Leon, by the way, is standing a couple of feet away, looking at him with a look that says:  "what the heck is his deal?" 

Sean takes off his sweater and tosses it over Mister, in order to be able to scoop him up and bring him inside.  Disaster averted.  Poor Leon is still confused. 

See, I told  you Mister was the one who always got in all the trouble...

1 comment:

  1. How smart of Sean to take off his sweater to bring Mister inside. Clearly he's been around the block (with a cat) more than once! Glad Mister's jail break days seem to be over.
