Thursday, September 2, 2010

Waking Life, with Cats

Our cats have found some very creative ways to wake us up in the mornings.  Oh, there are the usual ways--jumping on us, meowing loudly.  Then there are some more creative offerings.  Elroy likes to head-bunt us vigorously.  He's so earnest about it that it's hard to get mad at him.  Reggie will sit on your chest and take his needle-sharp claws and pull down your lower lip...slowly.  It then springs back to its original position in such a way that it's impossible not to be awakened by it. 

One time, at Halloween, I was reading Bram Stoker's Dracula (why do people always preface "Dracula" with "Bram Stoker," as if there were another Dracula out there to confuse it with?), and I was having this nightmare that I was being attacked by a vampire.  (This was well before the days of Twilight, when dreaming about a vampire might not necessarily be a nightmare.)  Anyway, I woke up, and Reggie was lying on my chest, kneading on my throat.  Thanks, Reg!  Seriously, no amount of garlic is going to help in this situation. 

On the flip side of that, Wanda likes to knead on you as you're falling asleep.  Some people call it "making biscuits."  She didn't do it as a kitten--this was a later-in-life development for her.   She's very specific about it, though.  She likes to knead on your forearm, but she must be able to put her back legs on the upper part of your arm, and if she can brace her back against your body as she's doing this, all the better.  Wanda goes into a bit of a trance when she kneads.  Her eyes glaze over and she is unaffected by noises or other distractions.  It's just a little creepy, actually.  Eventually, she'll have her fill and suddenly jerk "awake" with a couple of sharp chirpy sounds, usually accompanied by a quick shake of her head and bunch of frantic licking.  Apparently, it's embarrassing to forget where you are and engage wantonly in a knead-fest.  Who knew? 

It's not uncommon to wake up to four of the six cats on the bed at the same time, particularly on the weekends, when they can count on us for some good old-fashioned cat laziness.  They simply can't abide this business about getting up before the sun is up--it's barbaric.  Can't say that I disagree with them on that...


  1. This blog had me laughing out loud! I think the claw in the lip might actually get me up faster then the springing back, but what a great image! And you know I love the vampire references. I have witnessed the kneading dough trance in Jessamine. Is just a bit weird! If only I could train her to do that on my back . . . I think this weekend I am due some old-fashined cat laziness. That just sounds too good! Awesome post!

  2. This reminded me of Max, and how he liked to lick on some random spot--usually on my arm--to the point that, if I didn't stop him, would draw blood. If that happened, he'd really go to town on it, so he was known about the house as a vampire kitty!

  3. Sometimes I fall asleep on the top of the bed covers (as opposed to under them). Also I frequently kick off the cover during sleep. Whenever either of these occur, I become fair game for Maus, our young male cat who was born on 07/07/07. Maus diligently sniffs everything. As soon as the sun rises he will hop on the bed start sniffing the bottoms of my feet and moves his way upward. Ny the time he gets past my knees, I am awake - it never fails. I've been trying to stay under the covers (he won't bother me when I am under the covers) but old habits die hard ...
