Day Three of our spontaneous vacation: Reggie has discovered that one bed is as good as any other. Zelda is wondering why people keep loudly walking by our new house.
And Cooper can't understand why we haven't gone to the beach yet. I haven't had the heart to tell him that the beach is currently being hogged by a very rude hurricane.
So, things continue on in much the same way they do at home vis-a-vis mush and play-time. The only significant difference is that Sean and I refuse to leave them by themselves, so one of us is always here. Also, the space is a bit smaller. And dirtier. Okay, maybe there are a few differences.
But the important thing is that we're all hanging out and going stir-crazy together. I'm beginning to think that the perpetual cat-naps are more about adaptation and passing the time than actually being sleepy. I've even resorted to them myself a few times.
Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart and bought them a set of three catnip fishies. There were supposed to be one per cat (lilac for Zelda, blue for Reggie, green for Cooper), but Cooper promptly commandeered all three of them.
I also bought them some catnip bubbles, which are just like the sets that kids use to blow bubbles, only these bubbles are laced with catnip. I think they were more confused than entertained by them.
Meanwhile, we are just waiting it all out and trying not to get too absorbed in watching the Weather Channel. Our parents were right--TV really will rot your brain. Particularly when it's helping you conjure up every single possible worst-case scenario in the history of worst-case scenarios.
So we've been coming up with our own coping mechanisms, like going exploring (individually) in Forsyth, playing Scrabble at night and checking out some of the local beer. For example, we found this at the local Wal-Mart:
Cat's Away IPA by Trouble Brewing. It almost couldn't have been more appropriate if they'd made it especially for us.
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