Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wanda, Dethroned

One of Wanda's favorite pastimes is to play the "raahr" game, then go jump into whatever she's designated as "home base" for that time period.  For a while, it was one of the cat trees.  Lately, it's been my office chair.  She likes it because she can jump into it, hold on to the scratchy fabric with her claws, and spin slightly around if she hits it at the right angle.  It's like a little carnival ride for Wanda, where she can either hunker down, or flip on her side for the requisite scritching.  

The other weekend, though, we threw Wanda for a loop.  We switched out my office chair with a plain wooden one with a plain wooden seat, and Sean is now using my old office chair in his office.  Unfortunately, when we made the switch, his office was not quite ready for prime-time, and there was a bunch of stuff all over the floor, making passage to the chair difficult at best.  Poor Wanda was bereft.  She had no idea what to do now.  She would go tearing off to where my office chair used to be, and then screech to a halt on the carpet, looking around confusedly for the once perfect chair on which she used to bound.  

Finally, Sean got his office space cleared out, and now Wanda can run to the new chair and flop happily on her side for her scritching.  

But sometimes, like tonight, she still forgets.  Apparently, her short-term memory ain't what it used to be, because even after a couple of weeks of the new arrangement, Wanda was still confused tonight when she went bouncing into my office to jump into my nice cozy chair, and the lovely thing was gone and replaced by this crummy stupid slippy-slidey chair.  What a disappointment!  I'm sure that with enough repetitions, it will start to become second nature for Wanda to go running into Sean's office for a spin on the fun chair.  And until then, we'll just have to come up with other fun carnival rides to keep her occupied.

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