Thursday, June 22, 2017

Well-Orchestrated Sneak Attack

Followers of this blog may remember how patient Cooper can be from the posts about when he joined our family and camped out on the kitty tree on a level below Zelda for hours, hoping that she would eventually get used to him and play with him.  The cat is preternaturally patient, in a way I didn't even realize cats could be.  At least not the domesticated ones who aren't having to sneak up on a gazelle to get their food.  Cooper kind of breaks the mold, though.

I was in the bathroom this morning and Zelda wanted to be petted.  She kept winding around my feet asking for loving, and I gave it to her.  I was getting ready for work, and so I wasn't focused on her, but I had enough awareness to know she was there and looking for attention.  For about a minute, she left the room, then she came back and started winding around my legs again.  Bear in mind, this whole process took at least ten minutes.  

She wandered into the bathtub part of the bathroom and out of the corner of my eye, I saw her leap back suddenly.  Then there was a brief scuffle.  I was initially alarmed, because what could possibly be in our bathroom that was large enough and scary enough to put Zelda on her back feet?  Then I saw Zelda fly out of the room like she was shot out of a cannon, followed closely by Cooper.  Apparently, he'd been waiting in there for just the right moment to jump out and pounce on her.  Who knows how long he'd been in there?  

The cat deserves a high five, or at least some some extra mush this morning.  Never underestimate the power of a very patient cat who's determined to play with someone.

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